I want to ride my bicycle
- National Bike Week (5 June – 11 June 2023) celebrates over 12,500 miles of national cycle routes in the UK.
- On average in England and Wales there are just over 2,200 households per mile of national cycle route. Per home there is over 1 metre of cycle route in the South West and Scotland, compared to just 7cm in London.
- Nearly half of the population in England aged 5+ own a pedal bike, with ownership rates highest for those aged 5–10, 11–16 and 40–49. Commuting and leisure are the main reasons for cycle journeys.
- More than one in ten renters who live with friends or in a house share would be prepared to pay extra for secure bike storage.
- With 4.5 million miles cycled each year, cycling accounts for around 1% of all traffic mileage on Britain’s roads.
Source: Dataloft, Ordnance Survey, Sustrans, Cycling UK, National Travel Survey, Property Academy Renter Survey 2022
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